Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Year Project [FYP]

Title: Antioxidant Activity of Melastoma malabathricum flowers
Supervisor: Dr. Deny Susanti

mainly,there are 4 steps in completing my fyp.
i) extraction
ii) thin layer chromatography [TLC]
iii) DPPH radical scavenging activity
iv) lipid peroxidation using ferric thiocynate method

so far,part i is done. currently, working more and more on part ii and iii simultaneously (gooood time management..;> )

here are some snapshots of my works so far...

the flowers- pink, white, and purple

-can u see the purple background? and the movement of the compound?
-these only 1st run..need to repeat again and again and again...
-left--TLC screening. the white spot indicate positive antioxidant activity in the particular sample.
-right--to observe the active single compound.

DPPH radical scavenging activity
-highest conc. of sample (left) to lowest conc.
-yellow color indicates that the sample has fully scavenged the dpph aka free radicals (purple color)
-purple color in cuvette shows the dpph is not fully scavenged by the sample since its concentration is the lowest.

tomorrow morning, repeat the same thing..(sigh..)

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